Trona’s first swimming pool was not Valley Wells. It was Crawley Pond and was located by the plant near the Number Two Evaporator House. The first photograph of it below is from a scrapbook put together by Elisabeth and Peggy Gauslin while they lived in Trona in about 1915. It was sent to me by Elisabeth’s son, John Whitelaw. The second picture is from the files in the SVHS Library and was sent to me by Lit Brush. The third picture is the new Trona pool and the picture was stolen from the Trona Alumni page on FB. Pools in Trona have come a long way haven’t they?
Crawley Pond with members of Gauslin Family — J. Whitelaw Collection Circa 1917
Crawley Pond — Courtesy SVHS Circa 1917

Trona’s New Pool – Courtesy Facebook

Westend Pool

Valley Wells
Hello is trona pool very large? Is it deep has the pool been
Shut down? I’m Cynthia Blanchard from rigcrest California I live in Oklahoma now how big how long? Was it scary because it was over huge?
It has been closed for many years. It was only about 5 feet deep. There were large fenced of areas that shallower for people who couldn’t swim. Swiming lessons were always available for anyone who wanted to learn. I miss it.
I lived in Trona in the mid and late 70’s. my father worked at Kerr McGee. I lived in the first housing track after you came down the hill from Ridgecrest. Mr. and Mrs. Longhopper’s daughter was my baby sitter. There were two pools when I was there one up on the hill it was like a water storage tank the floor was made from wooden railroad ties the other was Valley Wells. I remember easter egg hunting with my church at the park area at Valley Wells. My brother played football at Trona High School on the dirt field. there was J.T’s pizza and my father belonged to the Elks. I have heard that Valley Wells is now a biohazard dump site. Is that true?