- Trona Fire Station and Trucks
- Parade
- Parade
- Trona Tornado Band
- Van Dyck Motors
- Baseball Field With Bleachers at Old Location
- Awards
- Fox Theater under construction
- Baseball Field with AP&CC Plant in Background
- Gift Box
- Austin Hall
- Valley Wells
- AP&CC The long building on the left is part of the Trona Railway
- AP&CC Business Office
- Post Office
- Community Church
- Club House
- Parade
- AP&CC Plant from back side 70s or 80s? May have already become Kerr Magee
- Homecoming Parade Quarterback Club Float
- 1955 Trona Tigers
- Van Dyck Motors
- Girl Scouts in Parade
- Homecoming Parade
- Gabes Motel Argus
- AP&CC Plant
- Security Bank
Hello to everyone, I was hoping to get any information I can on the history of a red 1966 Ford Bronco and its 3 owners that I am doing research on. It was sold new at Van Dyck Motors in March of 1966. The original owners were Emmett and Doris Bray. Then it was sold in 1979 to Harvey and Mary Crandall and sold in 1983 to Jerry and Linda Williams. any information and pictures of the dealership or the owners would sure help. I live in Las Vegas and would be willing to travel to Trona for the day to visit. Thanks so much for your time.
Toby Lamuraglia 702-645-4932
I’ve added 2 photos of Van Dyck Motors to the gallery above for you.
thank you very much david for the photos. i hope others will tell me about the 3 owners lives during their time in trona. i know that the dealership had burned and relocated down the street. many thanks, toby
Emmet and Doris Bray were my next door neighbors for 20 years. My husband drooled over that Bronco for years and kept hoping Emmet would sell it to him. They were both very active in civic groups. Doris was editor of a weekly newspaper “The Trona Argonaut”. I am not sure if she owned it. She was also active in acquiring the building of the Trona Sr. Center which is named after her. Emmet was a WWII veteran and both active participants in the local VFW.
Mary Crandall and Linda Williams are both very much alive. Mary still living in Trona. Linda was working in a Ridgecrest restaurant before the pandemic. Not sure if she is back.
hello Judy, hope you are well. thank you so much for the information. i have talked to Mary. i talked to Jerry Williams years ago and would like to talk with Linda if i can find her. every little bit of info i can find on the bronco is much needed. thanks again, Toby
You can find another photo at this link: https://books.google.com/books?id=lRozCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA111&lpg=PA111&dq=Bill+Van+Dyck+trona&source=bl&ots=9Nwl5TOdu2&sig=ACfU3U3Z8iSzRudeZMq_JpewT6rWLCHtJw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwje24Oj1p7wAhVCKn0KHe6eCTYQ6AEwEHoECBEQAw#v=onepage&q=Bill%20Van%20Dyck%20trona&f=false
the reason i am asking for this information is for my personal use. i just wanted pictures of owners with the bronco and to detail its history in the trona area, also pictures of the dealership. i do know of the passing of emmett and doris bray, the passing of harvey and mary crandall, and the passing of jerry and linda williams. i have all of their birth and death dates. the bronco stayed with the 3 owners in trona until jerry and linda moved to ridgecrest in 1987. i want to document its history from new. thanks again for all your help. maybe someone has a photo or 2 stored away they might want to share.
Emmitt Bray died in 1988. Harvey Crandall died in 2010. Mary Crandall died in 2011. Jerry Williams died in 2020.
Hi Patricia, I’m Francis (Craig) Daniels. A friend on Facebook let me know about your message. You can reach me via Facebook through Francis Daniels. I’m trying to remember you and your family. Anyway, hope all is well with you.
John Daniel’s was a choir director for the Trona Community Church….I was one of many in the choir. He did have 2 children…the names are correct as you recallef….John now goes by Francis Daniels.
You might be able to reach out to Francis through Facebook messaging.
Your last name got my attention as I have a friend in Fort Collins Co. whose maiden name is Mc Chesney.
Hello Barbara,
Thanks for your response! I’m now in touch with Francis and know he is who I was trying to connect with.
I don’t have any family members in that location but that is a coincidence nevertheless because a send grandfather named Morse did some sheep herding that area of CO in the 1870’s before settling into wheat growing in western KS. Another family member lived in Lamar. If you learn any more about those McChesneys, please let me know.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me inquiry!
I’m looking for information on John W Daniels, who moved to Trona with his family in the mid 50s. His family and mine were friends in LA before they moved to Trona. We went swimming at Valley Wells and also in an old wooden water tower with a platform on the surface of the water. Does anyone remember John who could tell me what happened to him? I believe he was hired as a caretaker of Ruth Mine at some point and then retired. He was a very nice man and I’d like to know more. Thanks for any help you might be able to give me. One other thing, I don’t remember his wife’s name but Craig and Dayna could his kids’ names.