Since the chemical plant known as Westend is located on the south side of Searles Lake, you might wonder why the name “Westend.” “Borax” Smith, Founder of the plant named it after his “West End Mining Company” of Tonopah, Nevada. F. M. “Borax” Smith was a leading figure in the exploration for borax, and he became well known for the twenty-mule team borax wagons he is credited with originating, although John Searles used smaller twenty-mule wagons before Smith. Smith organized the Westend Plant in 1920, and the chemical plant has been in operation since that time.
In 1956 Westend was merged with Stauffer Chemical Company. It ran as a separate plant until 1962 when it became known as the Independent Chemical Division, Westend Plant of Stauffer Chemical Company.
Continuously enlarged and improved during the years, the plant production was greatly increased by Stauffer by the addition of a multi-million-dollar borax plant in 1965.
A familiar sight to local residents here are the large Westend trucks traveling back and forth on the Death Valley Highway hauling loads of lime rock from the Westend Lime Quary some 38 miles away in the Panamint Valley. The lime rock is burned in a rotary kiln to release carbon dioxide for use in the product manufacture.
The lime, both quick and hydrated, is also sold as a by-product, along with soda ash, borax, and sodium sulfate. The late Hellmers is the man given credit for development of the original process used in in the manufacture of the chemicals. The Westend plant was purchased by Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation on October 1, 1974. —
The above text is from: SEARLES VALLEY STORY written and published by Searles Lake Branch American Association of University Women May 1975.

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Does anyone remember my father Cornelius Wijnaendts from Stauffer? He was there from like 1960 to 1972. Please email me at:
Or call
Jody Wijnaendts
I lived in Trona in the 50s and the sixties my dad was a millwright for Stauffer Chemical, Stan Freeman and my uncle worked there also his name was L. J. Tate. Growing up there as a kid there was no place better. We lived in Trona at a housing project. My cousins lived in Argus. Boy what found memories.
There was a Donald Freeman in the class of 1950. Are you related?
My grandfather worked at this plant and we lived in the Westend neighborhood. My Grandma taught school in Trona. Sure don’t miss the smell. But have fond memories.
I briefly worked at Stauffer Chemical ai the end of 1964. I had recently graduated from Texas Western College and was married October31, 1964. Peter Cortessis was the lab manager. I won about $3000 in Las Vegas during my long break on our rotating shifts. After that I quit. My wife was miserable when we lived there.
I own 2 of the Borax mines that Stauffer had.
I am interested to sell them.