Kenneth Franklin Hall (1943-2019)

I recently learned that Ken, my classmate and friend, passed away and is buried in Trona. Ken and I spent a lot of time together when we were growing up. He died April 6, 2019 in Birmingham, Alabama.
Ken was born 10 January 1943. He was the son of Carl Tyre Hall (1901-1965) and Nora May Hall (1913-2002). Both of his parents are also buried in Trona. He had a sister, Virginia, and two brothers, Carl and Richard, who also attended Trona High School.
After graduating Ken attended Brigham Young University for two years and while there he decided to interrupt his education and become a missionary for the LDS church in Chile for two and half years. After he returned from Chile he planned on getting a college deferment so he could continue his education, however, the LDS church failed to forward the letters the draft board was sending him and they had him listed as a draft dodger. This made him ineligible for a deferment and moved him to the top of the list to be drafted.
His only other option was to enlist. I suggested that he try to get into the National Guard or reserves. The only reserves that will still taking enlistments at that time was the the Marine Corp Reserve. When he went to talk to the recruiter the recruiter convinced him that a 3 year enlistment would be better than 6 years in the reserve, I only heard from him once after he left for boot camp.
After being discharged from the Marines he returned to BYU to finish his education.He got married in1969 and settled down in Birmingham, Alabama.
Someone else will have to fill in the rest of his life story from there.
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Sorry to hear this i will miss him!! Rich
Back in our elementary school days they used to sell a device called a cap bomb. You put a cap in it, threw it at the ground and cap would explode. I guess you can still buy them.
In 4th grade either Ken or I came up with a great idea of making our own out of used spark plugs. I was fiddling around with one of mine during class and it exploded. I was pretty loud. Both Ken and I were sent to the office. I don’t remember the punishment. I think it was the last year we were both in the same class.
I think that through our school years in Trona we managed to influence each other in both good and bad ways.
My condolences to his family and friends RIP SIR. One of his brother’s was our Boy Scout Troop Scout Master. I don’t remember which one.