Tag Archives: Rock and Roll

Searles Valley Slate

My copy of the Slate just arrived in the mail today. It had a great article in it written by George Sherman. The name of the article is, “The birth of Rock and Roll in Trona.” It is a great article and is well worth reading. If you are not familiar with the Searles Valley Slate, it is because that you are not a member of the Searles Valley Historical Society. The Searles Valley Slate is the society’s quarterly newsletter to members.

Since George is about five years older than me it is obvious that George would know more about Rock ‘n Roll than I would. I thought it began when people started listening to and dancing to Elvis records on the patio by the high school snack shack and continued after sunset when everyone was tuning in The Mighty 690 – XEAK on their car radios.

If you are from Trona or just interested in the history of Trona I recommend you become a member of the Searles Valley Historical Society and support their activities. A lifetime membership is $250 or, if you prefer, $20 a year. You can get more information about membership and their activities from their website.