Trona Foursquare Church Gofundme

We are raising money for Church repairs and rebuilding that are needed  due to the two Earthquakes(6.4 and 7.1) we had on the 4th and 5th of July of this year. We area small church in the Argus area of Trona, which is the more poverty stricken area of the    community. This area was hit hard and we need help to help others as well.

In Sept of this year, we were to celebrate our 80th anniversary. After the earthquakes hit there was a lot of damage internally and externally to all our church property.  Our large main building used for children’s church and worship was condemned. The family center is a separate building and needs repaired to be used for worship. Currently we are using it for supply distribution to the community. If enough funds are raised, we could also use an   additional  room added to it if we are to hold children’s church as we did in our main building before.

We are sure to need help with the utility bill as well that result from using our Family Center right now as a cooling station for Trona residents who need relief from the 100 degree plus heat and for being open as a Distribution Center for the community residents to get what they need.

Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us.

Donations can also be made without losing a percentage by contacting Pastor Jon or Pastor Sarah at OR Notice the “a” between first and last name in Pastor Sarah’s email.

May you pray and give as the Lord leads.

2 Cor 9:7 – “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.Every amount helps.”

May the Lord bless you richly!


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